미라클 모닝 영어낭독 모임입니다. 주로 자기 계발서를 읽습니다. 동부팀은 매일 평일 아침시간 40분 낭독, 10분 이야기하며 하루를 시작하는 아침 다짐을 함께 합니다. 2월 책이 일찍 끝나는 관계로 2월에는 두 권의 책을 읽습니다. 두번째 책은 Right Kind of Wrong: The Science of Failing Well (by Amy Edmonson)입니다. 올바른 실패에 관한 책입니다.
책구매: 다음 링크를 이용해서 책을 구매해주시면 저희 동호회에 운영에 많은 도움이 됩니다.
Amazon: Right Kind of Wrong
Winner of the Financial Times and Schroders Business Book of the Year 2023
A Behavioral Scientist Notable Book of 2023
A revolutionary guide that will transform your relationship with failure, from the pioneering researcher of psychological safety and award-winning Harvard Business School professor Amy Edmondson.
We used to think of failure as the opposite of success. Now, we’re often torn between two “failure cultures”: one that says to avoid failure at all costs, the other that says fail fast, fail often. The trouble is that both approaches lack the crucial distinctions to help us separate good failure from bad. As a result, we miss the opportunity to fail well.
After decades of award-winning research, Amy Edmondson is here to upend our understanding of failure and make it work for us. In Right Kind of Wrong, Edmondson provides the framework to think, discuss, and practice failure wisely. Outlining the three archetypes of failure—basic, complex, and intelligent—Amy showcases how to minimize unproductive failure while maximizing what we gain from flubs of all stripes. She illustrates how we and our organizations can embrace our human fallibility, learn exactly when failure is our friend, and prevent most of it when it is not. This is the key to pursuing smart risks and preventing avoidable harm.
With vivid, real-life stories from business, pop culture, history, and more, Edmondson gives us specifically tailored practices, skills, and mindsets to help us replace shame and blame with curiosity, vulnerability, and personal growth. You’ll never look at failure the same way again.
모임제목: 미모영(미라클모닝영어낭독) - 동부
기간: 2025년 2월 10일- 2월 28일 (총 3주 정도 예상)
월-금 동부시간 5:30 - 6:30 AM
사전모임: 없이 바로 낭독 시작
마무리모임: 책을 읽고 모임 시간 내에 진행 (진도에 따라 추후 공지)
정원 : 5-6명
참가대상: 나란 회원 모든 분
운영방식: 영어낭독 모임
운영자 : @Skim
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영어 낭독모임은 별도의 시간 투자가 필요하지 않습니다.
사전모임, 마무리 모임, 낭독 모임 포함하여 대략 15시간 정도가 필요합니다.
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