미라클 모닝 영어낭독 모임입니다. 주로 자기 계발서를 읽습니다. 동부팀은 매일 평일 아침시간 40분 낭독, 10분 이야기하며 하루를 시작하는 아침 다짐을 함께 합니다. 이번 책은 Change your questions, Change your Life : Marilee Adam 입니다.
책구매: 다음 링크를 이용해서 책을 구매해주시면 저희 동호회에 운영에 많은 도움이 됩니다.
Discover how the questions we ask ourselves and others can either expand our mindsets and open us up to exciting new possibilities or constrict our mindsets and limit our choices for successful change.
Change Your Questions, Change Your Life is an international bestseller that has sold over 400,000 copies in twenty-two languages. People have discovered that, when we’re looking for answers, we often forget to take the time to ask the right questions. But, as Dr. Marilee Adams shows, intentionally using questions helps us make wiser choices, find solutions, and transform our personal and professional lives.
Dr. Adams uses a highly engaging fable to illustrate how great results begin with great questions. The book’s hero, Ben Knight, learns such breakthrough insights and undergoes a transformative journey. As we read how his coach takes him step by step through the twelve powerful tools of Question Thinking, we also learn how to apply the same information and practical skills in our own lives. At the center of this work is the Choice Map, which provides a simple yet powerful image to predict the likely results of the questions we ask ourselves and others. It tells us how to change our questions and our mindsets for the most rewarding outcomes.
The book contains a new chapter delving into what neuroscience reveals about managing our stresses and fears more effectively using methods such as those described in this book. It includes powerful and practical tools that help readers switch from a constricting Judger to an expansive Learner mindset, achieve the results they desire, and foster breakthroughs.
모임제목: 미모영(미라클 모닝 영어낭독) - 동부
2025년 1월 6일- 1월 31일 (총 4주 정도 예상) 월-금, 동부시간 6:00-6:50 AM
사전모임: 없이 바로 낭독 시작
마무리모임: 책을 읽고 모임 시간 내에 진행 (진도에 따라 추후 공지)
정원 : 5명
참가대상: 나란 회원 모든 분
운영방식: 영어낭독 모임
운영자 : @Skim
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사전모임, 마무리 모임, 낭독 모임 포함하여 대략 20시간 정도가 필요합니다.
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